
Pigeon pea   New Search

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Top related subjects:
 Legume Soybean Cowpea Wilhelm Gerhard Walpers Single-nucleotide polymorphism Protein Maize Leucaena leucocephala Glycine Germplasm Pigeon pea Nitrogen fixation Rhizobia Gene Genome Acid Elmer Drew Merrill Insect Charles Frederick Millspaugh Wood-decay fungus Allele DNA Zygosity Polymerase chain reaction Messenger RNA Western blot Apoptosis Biomass Inbreeding William Roxburgh Sesbania Galactomannan Proline Carboxylic acid Serine Alanine Cultivar
The publications listed also have these subjects

Legume  5 times
Soybean  3 times
Cowpea  3 times
Single-nucleotide polymorphism  2 times
Protein  2 times
Maize  2 times
Glycine  2 times
Germplasm  2 times
Genome  2 times
Gene  2 times
Fusarium  2 times
Enzyme  2 times
Biomass  2 times
Betaine  2 times
Antioxidant  2 times
Agroforestry  2 times
Zinc  1 time
West Bengal  1 time
Vitamin C  1 time
Valine  1 time
Uttar Pradesh  1 time
Tuber  1 time
Tocopherol  1 time
Threonine  1 time
Tannin  1 time
Superoxide dismutase  1 time
Sugarcane  1 time
Sub-Saharan Africa  1 time
Starch  1 time
Spinach  1 time
Soil salinity  1 time
Rice  1 time
Ribosomal RNA  1 time
Rhizosphere  1 time
Rhibosome  1 time
Retrotransposon  1 time
Redox  1 time
Reactive oxygen species  1 time
Radish  1 time
Protease  1 time
Proline  1 time
Potato  1 time
Polypropylene  1 time
Polymerase chain reaction  1 time
Polyethylene  1 time
Phytoremediation  1 time
Phytoplasma  1 time
Photosynthesis  1 time
Phenylalanine  1 time
Petroleum  1 time
Path analysis (statistics)  1 time
PH  1 time
Onion  1 time
Nucleic acid sequence  1 time
Mung bean  1 time
Microsatellite  1 time
Methane  1 time
Medicago  1 time
Lysine  1 time
Lipid  1 time
Linear model  1 time
Leucine  1 time
Lentil  1 time
Kerala  1 time
Isoleucine  1 time
Internal transcribed spacer  1 time
Immobilized enzyme  1 time
Humidity  1 time
Glutathione  1 time
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase  1 time
Gamma ray  1 time
Fluoride  1 time
Fertilizer  1 time
Eggplant  1 time
Ecosystem services  1 time
DNA  1 time
Copper sulfate  1 time
Completely randomized design  1 time
Cladosporium  1 time
Clade  1 time
Chlorophyll  1 time
Chickpea  1 time
Cauliflower  1 time
Carrot  1 time
Carbon  1 time
Cabbage  1 time
Brazil  1 time
Bradyrhizobium  1 time
Arbuscular mycorrhiza  1 time
Arachis  1 time
Amaranth  1 time
Allelopathy  1 time
Alginic acid  1 time
Aflatoxin  1 time
Acid  1 time
Acacia  1 time

Publications tagged with this subject: 15

Note: Top 50 publications shown only. Open an item panel to view more info (open all)


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