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274 subjects starting with 'R'

NOTE: subjects with more publications have stronger colors

RAD51 | RANKL | RAPD | RDX | RGB color model | RNA | RNA interference | RNA virus | RNA-Seq | RNA-binding protein | RNA-dependent RNA polymerase | RSA Security | RSS | Race and ethnicity in the United States Census | Racemic mixture | Radar | Radial basis function network | Radial velocity | Radiation pattern | Radiation pressure | Radiation protection | Radiation therapy | Radiative forcing | Radiative transfer | Radical behaviorism | Radical polymerization | Radiculopathy | Radio-frequency identification | Radioactive tracer | Radioactive waste | Radiocarbon dating | Radiofrequency ablation | Radiography | Radioimmunoassay | Radioligand | Radiology | Radiolysis | Radiometry | Radionuclide | Radiosurgery | Radish | Radium | Radon | Rainbow trout | Rainwater harvesting | Rajasthan | Raman scattering | Raman spectroscopy | Ramsey Abbey | Random effects model | Random forest | Random matrix | Random oracle | Random variable | Random walk | Random-access memory | Randomized controlled trial | Range of motion | Ranibizumab | Rank correlation | Rapeseed | Rapid diagnostic test | Rapid eye movement sleep | Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder | Rapid prototyping | Rapid transit | Rare earth element | Rarefaction | Rat | Rate equation | Rate of return | Rate ratio | Rational function | Raw image format | Rayleigh number | Rayleigh scattering | Rayleigh wave | Reaction mechanism | Reaction rate constant | Reaction–diffusion system | Reactive oxygen species | Real number | Real-time polymerase chain reaction | Receiver operating characteristic | Receptor tyrosine kinase | Recommender system | Reconstruction Era | Rectifier | Rectum | Rectus femoris muscle | Recurrence relation | Recurrent laryngeal nerve | Recurrent neural network | Recursion | Red Color | Red Sea | Red algae | Red blood cell | Redox | Redshift | Reducing agent | Reducing sugar | Reference model | Reference range | Reflection coefficient | Reflection seismology | Reflex | Reflex syncope | Refractive error | Regenerative medicine | Regional development | Regression analysis | Regulation of gene expression | Reinforcement learning | Relational frame theory | Relative humidity | Relative permittivity | Relative risk | Relaxor ferroelectric | Remanence | Remifentanil | Remote sensing | Renal artery | Renal cell carcinoma | Renal function | Renal replacement therapy | Renewable energy | Renewable resource | Renin | Renin–angiotensin system | Renormalization | Renormalization group | Repeated measures design | Reperfusion injury | Reporter gene | Representation theory | Representative Concentration Pathways | Reproducibility | Reproducing kernel Hilbert space | Reproductive isolation | Reproductive medicine | Republic of Ireland | Resection margin | Reservoir | Reservoir simulation | Residual stress | Resistant starch | Resistor | Resonance | Resorcinol | Respiratory disease | Response surface methodology | Restriction enzyme | Restriction fragment length polymorphism | Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive | Resveratrol | Retina | Retinal detachment | Retinal ganglion cell | Retinal pigment epithelium | Retinitis pigmentosa | Retinol | Retinopathy | Retroperitoneal space | Retrotransposon | Retrovirus | Return loss | Return on investment | Return period | Reuptake | Reuptake inhibitor | Reverse genetics | Reverse transcriptase | Reversed-phase chromatography | Revised Version | Revolutionary | Reynolds number | Reynolds stress | Rhabdomyolysis | Rhenium | Rheology | Rheometer | Rheumatism | Rheumatoid arthritis | Rheumatoid factor | Rheumatology | Rhibosome | Rhinitis | Rhinoplasty | Rhipicephalus | Rhizobacteria | Rhizobia | Rhizobium | Rhizoctonia solani | Rhizome | Rhizopus oryzae | Rhizosphere | Rho-associated protein kinase | Rhodamine | Rhodamine B | Rhodium | Rhodococcus | Rhombus | Rhyolite | Ribavirin | Riboflavin | Ribose | Ribosomal DNA | Ribosomal RNA | Riccati equation | Ricci curvature | Rice | Richard Dedekind | Richard Feynman | Richard Wagner | Rickettsia | Riemann surface | Riemannian manifold | Riesz space | Rietveld refinement | Rifampicin | Ring-opening polymerization | Rio de Janeiro | Riphean (stage) | Risk aversion | Risperidone | Ritonavir | Rituximab | Rivaroxaban | River source | Riyadh | Robert S. Mulliken | Robot | Robot-assisted surgery | Robotics | Robust control | Rochester Red Wings | Rock music | Rodale, Inc. | Rodent | Roman Empire | Romani people | Romania | Romantic Times | Room temperature | Root mean square | Root of the lung | Root-knot nematode | Rootstock | Rosaceae | Rosiglitazone | Rossby wave | Rotational spectroscopy | Rotator cuff | Rotavirus | Rotenone | Rotifer | Rotterdam | Route of administration | Routing | Routing protocol | Roux-en-Y anastomosis | RuBisCO | Rudolf Clausius | Rumen | Ruminant | Runge–Kutta methods | Russia | Rust | Ruthenium | Rutile | Rutin | Rwanda | Ryutaro Hashimoto |


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