
Reinforcement learning   New Search

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The publications listed also have these subjects

Algorithm  11 times
Mathematical optimization  5 times
Robotics  3 times
Metaheuristic  3 times
Striatum  2 times
Network topology  2 times
NP-hardness  2 times
Machine learning  2 times
Heuristic  2 times
Artificial intelligence  2 times
Wireless sensor network  1 time
Weight distribution  1 time
Unmanned aerial vehicle  1 time
The Technique  1 time
Thalamus  1 time
Synchronization  1 time
Smart device  1 time
Single-input single-output system  1 time
Semantics  1 time
Satellite navigation  1 time
Robot  1 time
Renewable energy  1 time
Putamen  1 time
Prefrontal cortex  1 time
Orbitofrontal cortex  1 time
Optimal control  1 time
Ontology  1 time
Neuron  1 time
Model checking  1 time
Mobile cloud computing  1 time
Memory  1 time
Maximum likelihood estimation  1 time
Markov chain  1 time
MIMO  1 time
Logistic regression  1 time
Logarithm  1 time
Kernel method  1 time
Interaction  1 time
Homeostasis  1 time
HIV  1 time
Genetic algorithm  1 time
Free-electron laser  1 time
Extreme learning machine  1 time
Epistemology  1 time
Convex optimization  1 time
Computer data storage  1 time
Computational intelligence  1 time
Compressed sensing  1 time
Cognitive science  1 time
Cloud computing  1 time
Cholinergic  1 time
Cerebral hemisphere  1 time
Cerebellum  1 time
Central processing unit  1 time
Binomial distribution  1 time
Bayesian probability  1 time
Basal ganglia  1 time
Augmented reality  1 time
Artificial neural network  1 time
Application programming interface  1 time
Ant colony  1 time

Publications tagged with this subject: 32

Note: Top 50 publications shown only. Open an item panel to view more info


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