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Top related subjects:
 Ferromagnetism Antiferromagnetism Quantum Magnetic field Anisotropy X-ray crystallography Wurtzite crystal structure Relative permittivity Phase transition Oxygen Exchange interaction Paramagnetism Scanning electron microscope Magnetic moment Photoluminescence Fluorescence Photon Semiconductor Correlation and dependence Blood plasma Magnetic anisotropy Finite element method Transmission electron microscopy Spectroscopy Infrared spectroscopy Adsorption Zinc oxide Band gap Dielectric Microwave Polymer Entropy Ferroelectricity Carbon Superoxide Protein Antioxidant
The publications listed also have these subjects

Ferromagnetism  6 times
Antiferromagnetism  4 times
Quantum  3 times
Magnetic field  3 times
Anisotropy  3 times
X-ray crystallography  2 times
Wurtzite crystal structure  2 times
Relative permittivity  2 times
Phase transition  2 times
Oxygen  2 times
Nanostructure  2 times
Hamiltonian mechanics  2 times
Dopant  2 times
Dielectric  2 times
Band gap  2 times
Wavenumber  1 time
Transition metal  1 time
Topological insulator  1 time
Tensor  1 time
Superconductivity  1 time
Spectroscopy  1 time
Space group  1 time
Rock music  1 time
Raman scattering  1 time
Quantum chromodynamics  1 time
Pyrochlore  1 time
Photoluminescence  1 time
Phonon  1 time
Nickel  1 time
Nanowire  1 time
Monte Carlo method  1 time
Michael Faraday  1 time
Magnetic susceptibility  1 time
Magnetic anisotropy  1 time
Luminescence  1 time
Linear independence  1 time
Ion  1 time
International Commission on Illumination  1 time
Infrared spectroscopy  1 time
Germanium  1 time
Fluorine  1 time
Electronvolt  1 time
Electron paramagnetic resonance  1 time
Electrical resistivity and conductivity  1 time
Electrical impedance  1 time
Electric field  1 time
Dependent and independent variables  1 time
Density functional theory  1 time
Correlation and dependence  1 time
Computer data storage  1 time
Chromium  1 time
Binding energy  1 time

Publications tagged with this subject: 20

Note: Top 50 publications shown only. Open an item panel to view more info (open all)


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