
Dirichlet problem   New Search

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Top related subjects:
 Theorem Laplace operator Boundary value problem Waveguide Uniform norm Singular integral Sierpinski triangle Self-adjoint operator Rock music Riemannian manifold Dirichlet problem Classical mechanics Banach space Algorithm Polynomial Holomorphic function Eigenvalues and eigenvectors Graph theory Finite element method Viscosity Numerical analysis Geometry Dielectric Resonance Relative permittivity Quantum tunnelling Metamaterial Finite difference method Convection Integral transform Augustin-Louis Cauchy Volterra series Laplace transform Fractal Quantum mechanics Hilbert space Petroleum reservoir Sandstone China Ultimate tensile strength Geodesic Manifold Euclidean space Scalar curvature Ricci curvature
The publications listed also have these subjects

Theorem  3 times
Laplace operator  2 times
Boundary value problem  2 times
Waveguide  1 time
Uniform norm  1 time
Singular integral  1 time
Self-adjoint operator  1 time
Rock music  1 time
Riemannian manifold  1 time
Quantum  1 time
Polynomial  1 time
Minkowski space  1 time
Laplace transform  1 time
Lagrangian and Eulerian specification of the flow field  1 time
Hopf bifurcation  1 time
Heat transfer coefficient  1 time
Heat equation  1 time
Fredholm operator  1 time
Fractal  1 time
Factorial  1 time
Entropy  1 time
Endemism  1 time
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors  1 time
Differential operator  1 time
Convolution  1 time
Continuous function  1 time
Classical mechanics  1 time
Center manifold  1 time
Bifurcation theory  1 time
Augustin-Louis Cauchy  1 time

Publications tagged with this subject: 19

Note: Top 50 publications shown only. Open an item panel to view more info (open all)


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