
Anal sex   New Search

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Top related subjects:
The publications listed also have these subjects

HIV  18 times
Condom  6 times
Syphilis  3 times
Gay  3 times
Sexually transmitted infection  2 times
Retrovirus  2 times
Poisson regression  2 times
Bisexuality  2 times
Viral load  1 time
Uganda  1 time
Toronto  1 time
Self-efficacy  1 time
Pre-exposure prophylaxis  1 time
Posterior probability  1 time
Pharynx  1 time
Peru  1 time
Neisseria  1 time
Multivariate analysis  1 time
Mali  1 time
Logistic regression  1 time
Likelihood-ratio test  1 time
Latent class model  1 time
Kampala  1 time
Generalized linear model  1 time
Factor analysis  1 time
Ethiopia  1 time
Economy of China  1 time
Confidence interval  1 time
Black people  1 time
Bayesian probability  1 time
Atlanta  1 time

Publications tagged with this subject: 18

Note: Top 50 publications shown only. Open an item panel to view more info (open all)


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